Juno is a proudly intersectional feminist organisation. As part of this, we recognise that women and non-binary people’s experiences of homelessness are fundamentally different from that of men for a multitude of reasons. Women face gendered poverty, family violence, economic insecurity, and a greater likelihood of being a sole parent. These fundamental differences increase the chances of homelessness and make women more vulnerable to further violence. Understanding the structural inequalities faced by women, non-binary and gender diverse people and the social and economic effects of discrimination are critical to the way we work and the safety and recovery needs of women and their children.
We recognise the severe and multiple ways in which women face marginalisation in society and the effects of disadvantage on women’s agency, opportunities and physical, mental, and social health. We also acknowledge the importance of specialised support within our services for some groups such as Indigenous and Torres Strait, members of the LGBTQIA+ community and women with disability.
We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to women and non-binary people experiencing homelessness. Each of our clients’ experiences and needs are unique, so each person requires a unique response. Our approach to case management is non-judgemental, evidence-based, trauma informed and personalised. Our case managers take a holistic approach and are skilled at working with clients with challenges including mental ill-health, trauma, poverty, family violence and involvement with the justice system.
We support women and non-binary people with the most complex challenging including homelessness, poverty, family violence, mental ill-health, trauma, and involvement with the justice system. Many of the women and non-binary people we work with have complex issues which may act as a barrier to safe long term housing and make it hard for them to use other services. They have often been turned away by other service providers before arriving at Juno’s doors. Our support and care is consistent, compassionate and fueled by our fierce determination to achieve positive outcomes for women and non-binary people and their children.
Our staff are skilled in working with a diverse range of women and non-binary people, including those experiencing complex challenges such as trauma. We understand that trauma can result from systemic and structural barriers and that homelessness itself is traumatic. The loss of routine, safety net, privacy and possessions can impact women and non-binary people and their children in multiple ways, often manifesting physically as well as emotionally. This knowledge informs our commitment to transforming lives of trauma and fear into ones of safety and stability.