Please give today so that we can support trans women, cis women, non-binary people, and children experiencing homelessness and family violence to rebuild their lives.
Your donation will mean that we can:
- Continue providing tailored responses to women and non-binary people and their children
- Help women and non-binary people move into safe, permanent and affordable housing
- Support individuals experiencing early signs of being at risk of homelessness
- Deliver innovative programs that move women out of poverty and homelessness for good
- Support women and non-binary people working on long-term goals for economic independence
- Offer activities that promote wellbeing and recovery from trauma
- Advocate for a redesign of the current homelessness system to meet the unique needs of women and non-binary people
Help us to empower women, non-binary people and children to create the life they choose and advocate for change to the systems and structures that hold them back.
Thank you so much for your support. Donate here → or by using embedded form below:
If you have any questions about your donation, or for more information on other ways to give please email .
Juno is a Registered Charity. All gifts over $2 are tax deductible.